What We Do
The church is alive and active - here's a glimpse of what happens at One Church

Here at One Church, we love children. There is so much going on for all children aged 0-11, with groups and clubs gathering around Leicestershire every week. We also run kids groups on Sundays in every site called LittleStars and PlanetShakers.
If you'd like to know more about KIDS at One Church, we would love to hear from you. Email Matt (Children's Worker) today.

Here at One Church, we love families. We are a church that aims to welcome, love and care for the whole family - from babies to great-great-grandparents! We run Little Ones stay and play groups in two locations, parenting courses, small groups for parents and more. Like Little Ones on Facebook.
If you'd like to know more about FAMILIES at One Church, we would love to hear from you. Email Philippa (Families Worker) today.

Here at One Church, we love young people. We run youth groups, discipleship groups, big events and outreach for 11-18s all around Leicester, as well as a group for 11-14s on Sundays. Follow OC Youth on Instagram.
If you'd like to know more about YOUTH at One Church, we would love to hear from you. Email Josh (Youth Worker) today.

Here at One Church, we love young adults and students. We run midweek groups, socials, 18-25s small groups and much more every week. And students coming to Leicester - there's a place for you here. Follow One Church YA on Instagram.
If you'd like to know more about YOUNG ADULTS and STUDENTS at One Church, we would love to hear from you. Email Callum (YA Pastor) today.

small GROUPS
Here at One Church, we love helping every person grow and feel part of the family. One of the best ways we make this happen is through many incredible Small Groups. These are groups that meet during the week in homes and other venues, and there's one for you.
If you'd like to know more about SMALL GROUPS at One Church, we would love to hear from you. Email Josh (Small Groups Pastor) today.

Here at One Church, we love compassion. We aim to show the love of Jesus through practical help, care and support to many people through our amazing charity, 'Open Hands'. Every year through Open Hands we meet the needs of 1000s and 1000s of people in need, and show them the love of Jesus. If you're in need, reach out for help today. And everybody else, there is space for you to get involved.
Find out more about Open Hands on our website here.
Discover more about the journey to our incredible New Compassion Centre by clicking here.
And if you'd like to know more about OPEN HANDS, we would love to hear from you. Email Open Hands today.

way coffee
Here at One Church, we love good coffee! Way Coffee is a quality coffee shop located in the One Centre, offering a variety of drinks and food to the people of Leicester, with all profits going to our missions projects in Kenya.​ Why not pop in and say hi. Also, if you have some free time to volunteer in Way Coffee then we'd love to hear from you.
For more information visit waycoffee.co.uk or @Way_Coffee_Leics on Instagram.

Here at One Church, we run a Community Centre in the heart of Braunstone. The Oak Centre is a fantastic facility, with three rooms available for hire, and many events run throughout the week to benefit all age groups.
To find out more about what goes on, or if you are interested in corporate, community, or private hires, visit the website: www.oakcentre.org.uk or call 0116 3260269.
Want to visit The Oak Centre? Find us on Google Maps.

Here at One Church, we love mission - in the UK, and overseas. It is our heart to carry the Good News of Jesus wherever we go, and we also love to support a number of People, Projects and Partners in our commitment to Mission.
If you'd like to know more about MISSION at One Church, we would love to hear from you. Email James (Mission Coordinator) today.
We also run a child sponsorship program called 'Change One'. Around 200 children are currently supported for £12/month - to get involved with Change One today, get in touch.

Here at One Church, we love worship. In everything we do, we aim to worship and glorify God, and a large part of this is through our Worship Team made up of many great musicians. There is space to develop, grow and flourish as a worshipper and a musician here.
If you'd like to know more about WORSHIP at One Church, we would love to hear from you. Email Ashtyn (Worship Director) today.

Here at One Church, we love people. We are honoured to care for the people who call our church 'home', as well as many others we meet. We offer support, visits and prayer as part of our pastoral care. We also have a pastoral team who help identify any specific needs and would benefit particular care. It's all about loving people in Jesus' name.
If you need to get in touch with the pastoral team at One Church, we are here. Email James today.

Here at One Church, we love to be creative. We run events and productions, we pioneer projects and we always aim to utilise gifts and talents to lift up Jesus and make his name famous around Leicester.
If you have a creative gift in video, media, design, production or something similar, we would love to hear from you and help you use your creativity for Jesus. Email today.

Here at One Church, we run a brilliant Gap Year. Over 60 people have taken part in this Gap Year over the last decade, and every year there is an influx of new students. If you're finishing college, finishing university or looking to simply give a year of your life to God, we would love to talk to you and see if this is the right option for you.
If you'd like to know more about the One Church Gap Year, we would love to hear from you. Email Wes (Gap Year Leader) today.