Bring Down/Build Up
In 2025, we are believing to 'bring down' some things and 'build up' some others

​​​We had a great time together on 3rd November for Vision Sunday. If you would still like to give to this year's Vision Offering, you can give a one-off gift or you can make a faith pledge to be redeemed over the next 12 months, or a combination.
Whichever way you choose to give, we are asking everybody to fill in a 'Giving Card'. This is to help us keep track of everything given and pledged.
Fill in the online 'Giving Card' here.
1. Online - click here
2. Bank Transfer
One Church
Sort code - 40-28-06
Acc. No. - 74616529
3. Cheque - made payable to 'One Church'
4. Cash
If you need help with anything to do with the Vision Offering, email the finance team today - sarah.hickman@onechurch.org.uk

This year's Vision Offering will go towards 'bringing down' some things and 'building up' some others...
- Bring down the mortgage
- we would love to be debt free
- Bring down the ramp of no.12
- an initial step of faith for the next steps
with no.12. Also providing extra space.
- Build up in community
- increased development of our outreach
- Build up in ministry
- develop a movable prayer room,
further invest in youth and children's work

Celebrate last year's Vision Offering and all that God has done in the last 12 months & find out more about the plans for Bringing Down & Building Up by reading our 2025 Vision booklet.
You can view an online copy here.
If you have any questions, we are here.
Email admin@onechurch.org.uk